Episode 47
Ummm... Actually
Jacob, Nicki, and Aaron celebrate LA’s 46th shadowcast anniversary with some California Rocky trivia, learn about a new way to find out about RHPS performances going on in your neck of the woods, and expound on some “common knowledge” movie facts you might not know the whole story to.
Global News
- Celebrate Meat Loaf’s birthday by reading all about him
- Check out the November 13th Galaxy Con deets
- Learn more about Rocky Horror in California
Community News
- Check out the Shock Treatment Kickstarter
- Find out shadowcast performances happening near you, or submit an upcoming show
NAAQ Sources
- https://futurama.fandom.com/wiki/Heads_in_Jars
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pink_triangle#cite_note-:0-5
- https://nursingclio.org/2017/04/20/pink-triangle-legacies-holocaust-memory-and-international-gay-rights-activism
- https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/intellect/fm/2016/00000007/00000002/art00006
- “Cultographies - The Rocky Horror Picture Show.” written by Jeffrey Weinstock
- “Reading Rocky Horror - The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Popular Culture” - Edited by Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock
- Marisa C. Hayes “Fan Phenomena - The Rocky Horror Picture Show”
- Still the Beast is Feeding, by Rob Bagnall and Phil Barden
- http://www.ozrockyhorror.com/Programmes%20U.K..html
- “Rocky Horror: From Concept to Cult” by Scott Michaels and David Evans
- http://timewarp.org.uk/lab2013/brightondr2012/020.htm
- http://timewarp.org.uk/lab2021/DR072021/011.htm
- https://www.academia.edu/27319041/The_Rosslyn_Bones_Is_the_tale_of_the_murdered_apprentice_more_than_just_a_legend
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Revenge_of_Frankenstein
- https://www.antiquestradegazette.com/news/2002/30-000-for-time-warp-clock/
- https://www.academia.edu/27319041/The_Rosslyn_Bones_Is_the_tale_of_the_murdered_apprentice_more_than_just_a_legend
"Frank-N-Furter or the Modern Gothic: Adapted Subversion in The Rocky Horror Picture Show" By Shaun Soman
- Intro/Outro - Jupiter’s Smile by The 126ers
- Stings - Library at freesound.org
- Script by Aaron Tidwell, Jacob Roger-Gordon and Meg Fierro
- Produced and edited by Aaron Tidwell and Meg Fierro
- Rocky Talkie is an Audiogasmic LLC Production
#therockyhorrorpictureshow #rockyhorrorpictureshow #rockyhorror #rhps #shadowcasting #shadowcast #theater #theatre #cinema #movies #musicals #rockyhorrorshow