Episode 17
Oz Homage
Jon, Aaron, and Nicki chat about Meat Loaf’s new projects, learn about an upcoming production of the Rocky Horror Stage Show, and learn about some of the changes made when adapting Rocky Horror from stage to screen.
Global News
Community News
Nicki Asks A Question Sources
- Blood and Tinsel: A Memoir - Jim Sharman
- Rocky Horror From Concept to Cult - Scott Michaels & David Evans
- Still the Beast is Feeding: 40 Years of Rocky Horror - Bagnall, Rob; Barden, Phil.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2aiWWnsk9g
- Blood and Tinsel: A Memoir - Jim Sharman
- Intro/Outro - Jupiter’s Smile by The 126ers
- Stings - Library at freesound.org
- Script by Aaron Tidwell, Jacob Roger-Gordon and Meg Fierro
- Produced and edited by Aaron Tidwell and Meg Fierro
- Rocky Talkie is an Audiogasmic LLC Production
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