Episode 97
Rocky Retail
Join Meg, Aaron, and Jacob for a little Retail Therapy. This week we’re asking a question all about the history of Rocky Horror Retail. You won’t want to miss it - it’s a real “Hot Topic”.
AAQ Sources
- rockyhorrorwiki
- Star Wars Toys
- Lucas and Star Wars Toys
- The Transylvanian, July 1978 Issue
- History.com 80s pop culture trends
- Hot Topic on FundingUniverse
- encyclopedia.com Federated Department Stores Inc
- Spencer Gifts on Wikipedia
- Hot Topic on Wikipedia
- Spencer Gifts Archive.org
- Torrid Wikipedia
- Intro/Outro - Jupiter’s Smile by The 126ers
- Stings - Library at freesound.org
- Script by Aaron Tidwell, Jacob Roger-Gordon and Meg Fierro
- Produced and edited by Aaron Tidwell and Meg Fierro
- Rocky Talkie is an Audiogasmic LLC Production
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