Episode 4
When’s Dinner?
Join Nicki, Jon, and Aaron as they discuss the 16th Annual Birthday Celebration of New Zealand's Riff Raff Statue, upcoming Rocky star appearances, and learn about why the movie’s timeline is so freaking weird.
If you have any events or stories you’d like to share in Community News, or a question you’d like to have featured in Nicki Asks A Question, visit our website RockyTalkiePodcast.com and fill out the Contact Us form. We can’t wait to hear from you!
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Global News:
Community News:
- Frankie’s Favorite Obsession will be hosting a virtual performance on Saturday, December 5th @ 7 PAC (10pm est). Check it out at RHPSLive.com
Nicki Asks A Question Sources:
- Rockymusic.org
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show Blu-Ray Commentary
- “Still the Beast is Feeding: 40 Years of Rocky Horror” by Bagnall, Rob; Barden, Phil.
- “2001 Broadway Rocky Horror Show” & “Rocky Horror Show Live” available to Watch on Youtube
- The Myth of the Eight-Hour Sleep - https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-16964783
- Intro/Outro - Jupiter’s Smile by The 126ers
- Stings - Library at freesound.org
- Script by Jacob Roger-Gordon and Meg Fierro
- Produced and edited by Meg Fierro
- Rocky Talkie is an Audiogasmic LLC Production
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