Episode 16
Penis Makeup Malfunction
Nicki, Aaron, and Jon recap the most recent GalaxyCon Q&A, chat about a tentative upcoming production of the Rocky Horror Stage Show, and learn about the makeup used during stage show performances - as well as possibly the most gruesome makeup mishap ever to befall an actor.
Global News
Community News
- Learn more about the Forbidden Planet Players at forbiddenplanetplayers.com or on facebook
- And check out the FPP fundraiser here
- See FrankenFooder’s community doodle and learn about submitting your own in costume photo:
- Check out the Repo kickstarter page for free shipping on the RKO etsy shop here
- Visit RKO’s etsy shop here
- Visit the RHPS In the Wild facebook group here
Nicki Asks A Question Sources
- Cosmic Light: The Birth of a Cult Classic - Jim Whittaker
- From Concept to Cult - Scott Michaels
- Still the Beast is Feeding - Phil Barden and Rob Bagnall
- The Rocky Horror Show: As I Remember It - Rayner Burton
- https://davidbowieautograph.com/blog/f/pierre-la-roche
- Intro/Outro - Jupiter’s Smile by The 126ers
- Stings - Library at freesound.org
- Script by Aaron Tidwell, Jacob Roger-Gordon and Meg Fierro
- Produced and edited by Aaron Tidwell and Meg Fierro
- Rocky Talkie is an Audiogasmic LLC Production
#therockyhorrorpictureshow #rockyhorrorpictureshow #rockyhorror #rhps #shadowcasting #shadowcast #theater #theatre #cinema #movies #musicals #raynerburton #rockyhorrorshow