Episode 1
Assholes and Sluts
Join Aaron, Nicki, and Jon, as they discuss how Rocky Horror single-handedly won the 2020 Presidential Election, the recent interview with Richard O’Brien, the ongoing Craig McLachlan trial, and learn about why Brad and Janet are referred to as an Asshole and a Slut.
If you have any events or stories you’d like to share in Community News, or a question you’d like to have featured in Nicki Asks A Question, visit our website RockyTalkiePodcast.com and fill out the Contact Us form. We can’t wait to hear from you!
If you enjoy our show, you know the drill: please rate, subscribe and leave us a review! And come visit us on social media, all @RockyTalkiePodcast
Global News:
- Read about the DNC table read or check out the full length video
- Watch the Tenacious D Time Warp video
- Read the recent interview with Richard O’Brien
- Check out Richard O’Brian’s new audio drama, The Barren Author
- Learn more about the 2021 Rocky Horror stage tour
- Read more about Craig McLachlan’s ongoing trial
Community News:
- The Ordinary Kids performances will take place on 11/27 @10pmEST, 11/28 @8 & 11pm EST, and 11/29 @2pm EST. For more information, check out their social media all @OrdinaryKidsNJ, and their website at OrdinaryKidsNJ.com
- The deadline for Time Warp video submissions is November 14th, so two days from the day this podcast drops. To submit, send them your videos via email at OrdinaryKids2020@gmail.com - make sure you record your video twice: once horizontally and once vertically!
Sources used in Nicki Asks A Question:
- Creatures of the Night: The Rocky Horror Picture Show Experience by Sal Piro
- The Rocky Horror Show FAQ, by Dave Thompson
- rockyhorrorwiki.org
- Ron Maxwell
- Intro/Outro - Jupiter’s Smile by The 126ers
- Stings - Library at freesound.org
- Script by Jacob Roger-Gordon and Meg Fierro
- Produced and edited by Meg Fierro
- Rocky Talkie is an Audiogasmic LLC Production
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